Having a beagle at home has many benefits, especially these days when many of us are confined indoors. This little fur ball of energy is an awesome lockdown best friend, exercise buddy, and playmate. If you’re thinking of buying or adopting a beagle but still has a lot of questions in mind, this article can be of great help. Here we have created a comprehensive guideline for aspiring beagle pawrents. From different kinds of beagles, their difference from other dog breeds, up to the things you will need before you bring them to your home. Scroll down for more tips and guidelines on adopting a beagle.
Learn more about beagles
Sizes of Beagles

Beagles are considered medium-sized dogs. If you are not fond of teacup size dogs and don’t want to deal with the logistics of caring for larger dogs, this breed is perfect for you.
Varieties of Beagles
There are 2 different kinds of beagles. The first one is 13 inches shorter and typically weighs around 20 pounds. As for the bigger one, their size grows from 20 to 30 pounds.
Appearance of Beagles
These dogs come in a variety of colors, which includes brown, red, yellow, tan, black, white, and orange. Their coats are medium length and their ears are long and droopy. Beagles’ eyes are large and usually brown or hazelnut in color.
Characteristics of Beagles
Active companions – this is how many beagle owners would describe their dogs. That’s why they are highly advisable for families with kids as they can be playful and energetic. On the flip side, this breed can be stubborn at times. Thus, owners may need to have more patience and creativity during training. Since beagles are a treat-motivated type of dog, it is best to have food on hand when teaching them new techniques or good dog manners.
Best Homes and Humans for Beagles
Being the active and social fur balls that they are, beagles love being a part of an energetic family home. Kids can play with them non-stop and they will have no complains. If you have a backyard, your beagle can use the space to run around and play with you and your kids. Beagles are intelligent creatures. They are energetic but will show no sign of aggression, making them ideal for homes with kids. This means that your children can play with them without having to worry about them becoming aggressive later on.
How to Get Your Home Ready
for a New Beagle

1. Brief every member of the household
Regardless of whether it’s a family dog or just your dog, everyone in your household should be well aware of what you’re about to bring in. If it’s a family dog, it is important to assign duties and let members of the family know their responsibilities. From the simplest duty of closing the main door every time to taking it outside for walks, each task should be discussed. Most importantly, make sure everyone is on board about getting a beagle. Aside from food and shelter, beagles need to feel acceptance and love for them to thrive in their new home.
2. Get the things that they need
Getting a new dog is not cheap. You will need to buy things for it to be more comfortable to its new home. Before your beagle arrives, make sure it has a bed, treats, food, leash, toys, and anything that you feel it will need. It is best to ask the previous owner or shelter what kind of food the dog is used to so you can just the same. This way, the transition would not be as difficult for the beagle.
3. Make the property escape proof
If you have a yard, make sure it has a fence high enough to make it escape proof. Just like their humans, beagles need to use their energy through exercise to stay healthy. Since beagles are not large dogs, a relatively medium sized fence can help keep them safe. The area will give them enough space to chase squirrels, play with your kids, and jump around as much as they want. The yard will also give them space where they can take poo and pee break each day. This way, you no longer have to worry about getting up, changing your shoes, and getting the leash every time they need to go.
4. Put away hazardous items
Indoor hazards such as electrical cords, medications, and cleaning supplies should be kept out of the dog’s reach. Even small objects like coins and jewelry shouldn’t be left lying on the ground as they can chew on them. Human food can also cause problems to their health, especially chicken bones and chocolates. Before the beagle comes in, make sure you make a quick sweep throughout your property and keep everything that can be dangerous for them.
5. Check if there’s a veterinarian nearby
Scout your area for a good veterinarian where you can take your beagle should they need to have their health checked. If possible, choose someone who is close by so it will be easier for you to visit for regular check ups, vaccines, and more.
What to Expect Once You Bring Your New Beagle Home?

Once the beagle is already home, give it enough time to be comfortable and acclimate. Let it take its time to sniff every corner of the house as it is their way of getting familiar with the new surroundings. It is best to bring them home at the start of a weekend so everyone in your household is present. This way, family members can devote their time to get to know the new member of the household. If you have kids in the family, remind them to be gentle with the dog while playing. This will help the dog not to feel overwhelmed in its new home.
While it will be nice if everyone in your family can welcome the new dog with open arms, make sure to give it space to breathe. Pats and cuddles are great but make sure you balance them with space.
After a few hours or once they become comfortable, take them to their potty place. If you have an outdoor area and you prefer them to do their business there, take them out and let them feel comfortable being out there. On the other hand, if you live in an apartment, show them to the bathroom’s potty place. Remember that beagles love positive reinforcement so make sure you praise him or give treats if he uses the right potty place for the first time.
The first week is the best way to observe your dog’s behavior. Keep an eye on their tendencies and bad habits. This will help you create a plan on how to train them and discipline them in your household. Beagles are stubborn yet trainable dogs so be patient with them.
Different kinds of beagles will react differently to their new home. Training them doesn’t have to be difficult. You can follow the steps below to make it easier for you train your new pet:
Step 1 – Assign areas for their basic needs
Your beagle needs a designated place where it can eat, sleep, and do their business. This area can be in your room, an enclosed pen, or in your living area. Regardless of where you want to place them, designated zones will make it easier for the dog to be disciplined. Beagles are naturally hound dogs so they will sniff around to every corner of your home. If you want to make boundaries, you can always set up dog gates.
Step 2 – Let them get enough exercise
If the beagle is chewing off things at home or misbehaving, it probably has a lot of pent up energy it needs to let out. Spend an hour or two playing with them or walking them. This will give them enough exercise and curb misbehavior.
Step 3 – Create a daily schedule
A schedule is a great way to train your dog proper discipline. And this should extend to their meal time. Schedule feeding time everyday and stick to it. Aside from not having to wonder whether your dog is hungry or not, you can predict when they need to go to their potty place.
Step 4 – Train your dog to follow word commands
Use word-based commands to train your dogs. Keep things simple at first by training them to follow commands like sit, stay, or fetch. Make sure you have treats during training and only give them when they follow your commands. Don’t forget to praise and cuddle them when they’re doing a good job.
Step 5 – Have a training zone
Just like setting up areas for sleeping and eating, your beagles should also have a specific zone for training. Make sure you are consistent with your command words and keep things simple. “No” means no and “good” “good boy / girl” means keep it up. It is also important to have a schedule for their training and to not do it on a full tummy. This is because your treats will not have as much use if they are full.
Step 6 – Keep training sessions short and sweet
I know you’re excited for your new dog to learn new tricks but don’t overwhelm them by doing it for hours. Beagles have a lot of energy yet short attention span so they may not be able to focus on the training if it takes too long.
If you’re having a hard time training your new pup, you can always ask help from a professional trainer. There are different kinds of beagles out there and finding one that will fit your home should be easy if you follow the guidelines above.