How to train a beagle puppy to toilet train is a part of a dog’s life stages. Most of the time, pet owners aren’t really happy when puppy urinates inside the house. And getting angry with the pup will not give any good for this little creature. Surprisingly, puppies have the ability to learn what’s right from wrong.
Having this ability will generally result in a prosperous puppy life. Moreover, it will also make your job as a pet parent a little bit easier. Potty train your little pooch is not that hard. You must have to follow the process on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train. And always keep in mind that this process generally takes up to 1 year.
General Guidelines for Beagles Potty Training Method
Here are some of the rules on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train. No matter what method of training you are following, these guidelines are helpful for you and your pup.
1. During the process of training, there may be instances that your little pooch became angry. Knowing this fact, do not get angry with them as well.
2. Depending on the age of your beagle, bathroom breaks must be appropriately coordinated to them. A bathroom break of every 2 hours is applicable for 8 weeks old beagle pups. The moment they reach the age of 12 weeks, increase the breaks to three hours. Four hours in between breaks are suitable for pups ageing 16 weeks.
3. Scolding your pups that have accidents during the potty training is a big NO-NO. Remember that this is normal and a part of the training process.
4. Set a clear and definite schedule. This will help them to determine if it’s time for them to go to the bathroom.
5. Always remember the time. In case your little pooch had a schedule for the meal, playtime or nap, they’ll probably need a break. The most advisable time is early in the morning and before bedtime.
6. Be aware of the signs that your pup is ready.
7. Acknowledge your pup’s action in going to the bathroom in the right area. However, distract them in case they go somewhere else.
8. Ensure that you would say the word “Potty” the moment they go to the bathroom.
Key Points on How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Toilet Train
Check some of the essential pointers below on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train.
Pointer #1:
Using potty pads during potty training requires the use of the same pads with a slight odour in the same area. This action may result in familiarization of the area of elimination. Moreover, this will also help your little pooch to connect that familiar spot with the toilet.
Pointer #2:
Set alarm at regular breaks especially during the night. Establishing an alarm will trigger you to take out your pup or to lead him in the toileting area.
2-hour intervals are good at an initial phase. Then increase the intervals at an increment afterwards.
Pointer #3:
Immediately get the attention of your puppy in case you notice him in an incorrect place of elimination. A simple hand clap will do to catch his attention. However, most cases result in stopping your pup from eliminating in his midstream.
Pointer #4:
Puppies have a strong sense of smell. They have the ability to determine previous spots of accidents even they have already been cleaned.
Because of this, they usually tend to connect that specific area as the spot for toileting. In order to prevent this, better to use enzymatic spray.
This spray will help to clean the spots of accidents. Generally, this will create an odourless smell that is hard for a puppy to detect.
Do’s and Don’ts in Having an Accident during a Beagle Puppy Toilet Training
In case your little pooch has an accident, here are some of the things that you must and must not have to do as a pet parent.
Do’s for puppy’s accident during toilet training:
- Let them be aware of their wrong-doings
- Utilize your voice in telling them about this mistake, but never scold them.
- Better take them to the designated area right away.
- Disregard any mess
- This may surprise most pet owners, but in an instance that you come to see some poops around better to disregard it.
- Simply clean it and ensure to put an eye over your pup.
- Clean the mess immediately
- As soon as you can, eliminate all marks of the accident. This will make your pup not to think that the place is okay for toileting.
Don’ts for puppy’s accident during toilet training:
- Smear the nose of your pup over it
- Smearing your pup’s nose on the accident is an old-school method. This will just let your little pooch to know that you are not okay with their toileting as a whole. The worse thing about this is that they’re probably tended to hide the poop in an inconspicuous corner of the house.
- Scare them
- Scaring your little pooch by shouting at them may put your relationship in total danger. The bond between you and your beagle pup might be damaged.
- Discipline your pup after the accident
- Play with them during their toilet break
- During this time, the only thing that you want them to learn is to know the proper way of toilet training.
How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Toilet Train in a Home with Garden
Basically, there is a primary objective of how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in the house with a garden. It is generally to make the pup to the toilet outside the house. However, little pups must not be taken outside after completing vaccinations.

But, most of the time, taking out your little doggie in a garden is definitely fine. This applies really true for enclosed yards. With this, you would be sure that no dogs will go to enter and that there is no risk involved.
Things needed for the proper way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in a home with a garden:
- Puppy pad holder
- Poop scooper
- Puppy training crate
- Stain and odour cleaner
- Puppy toilet training pads
Steps on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in a home with a garden:
1. Establish a regular time of eating for your little doggie. Focus on them especially when they are drinking water.
2. Accompany your little pooch outside the house every 30 minutes up to 1 hour. It is also a requirement to take them out right after their eating and playing time.
3. Put them in an allocated toilet area. Introduce the area to them by pointing it to them and utter your toilet command.
4. Praise them with their activities after they pooped or peed. Using an appreciative voice tone, recognize them for the job well done outside.
5. Bring them back inside the house immediately.
How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Toilet Train in a Home without a Garden
The way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in a house without garden entails a different kind of struggles. You may look for a small area outside the doorstep with some patch of grass. Unfortunately, you haven’t seen one.
Because of this, prepare yourself to welcome the new part of the house – the indoor pooch toilet. Yet, it is still applicable to either indoor or outdoor use. It is pretty suitable in any part of the house, on the terrace or in a balcony.
Things needed for the proper way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in a home without a garden:
- Pet loo
- Urine cleaner
- Dog poop bags
- Puppy training crates
- Pet loo cleaner
- Pet loo urine pods
Steps on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train in a home without a garden:
1. Establish a regular time of eating for your little doggie. Focus on them especially when they are drinking water.
2. Accompany your little pooch to their indoor toilet every 30 minutes up to 1 hour. It is also a requirement to take them to the toilet area right after their eating and playing time.
3. Put them directly over their indoor toilet. Introduce the area to them by pointing it to them and utter your toilet command.
4. Praise them with their activities after they pooped or peed. Using an appreciative voice tone, recognize them for the job well done in the toilet area.
5. Let them go to the dog potty inside the house immediately.
6. Give them praise and words of encouragement the moment they sniff on the dog potty inside the house. However, ensure that your little pooch does not sleep over it as it is not intended for that purpose.
How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Toilet Train at Night
The way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train at night is another kind of a thing. Going after this toilet training method requires you to decide the sleeping location of your little pooch. In case you have an older doggy that sleeps somewhere, then that might be the sleeping place for your little doggie.

However, if your little pooch already sleeps inside your room, deciding to relocate them might be a biggie. This is one of the struggles in the way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train during night time.
Meanwhile, training your little pooch on a crate is beneficial on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train at night. This is because of the reason that the crate would be the perfect sleeping place for them. The following are the reasons why the crate is the ideal sleeping place when you toilet train at night.
- Crates are really small that may discourage the pup to soil it.
- Your little pooch is automatically enclosed thus preventing them from roaming around and making the floor their toilet.
- Sleeping in a crate is an easy way to hear your pup crying when they want to let their goods out.
- It is easy to place a puppy pad inside the crate due to its non-porous floor. This is very beneficial in case of accidents.
Steps on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train at night:
1. Try to establish an alarm so that you won’t forget to take your little pooch in the outside or indoor doggy toilet.
2. Accompany your little doggie to the toilet area at least twice or thrice during the night. Do this until you are already sure that he can hold on the following morning.
How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Toilet Train Quickly
If ever you want your little pooch to be trained on toilet etiquettes in just a week, here are the steps to do it. Just make sure that you follow the proper way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train. This will help you to successfully finish the training process without repetitions.
Steps on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train quickly:
1. Decide for an appropriate location. Once you come up with the designated place where your little pooch does his business, stick to it. Do not relocate often as it may lead to confusion of your little pup.
2. Establish a regular schedule or routine for toilet training. Here are the recommended schedules for the proper way on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train:
- Early in the morning
- Prior to bedtime sleep
- 10-20 minutes after each meal
3. Look for signs that your little pooch has the need to go. Actually, it is really hard to distinguish the signs of your pup’s need. Look for these aside from the signs that your dog is protective. However, below are some of the indications that you must be aware of:
- Floor sniffing
- Walls or door scratching
- Panicked facial expression
- Gentle barking or whining
- Squatting
4. Teach your pup to control his bladder. But, how to make this happen when you want to learn the ways on how to train a beagle puppy to toilet train? Simply let your pup wait for more minutes once you see any signs of needing to go.