Dog Bowls for Fast Eating Dogs

Dogs have a lot of antics that make them endearing and loveable. If you are a dog owner, you know that a dog has a special relationship with food. Dogs are mad about food and can be like small missiles when attacking their food bowls. You are probably not surprised that your dog can gulp down his food within minutes. It is amusing to see dogs wolf down food so fast, but did you know that this habit is not exactly healthy? Medical conditions can develop with your dog if they eat too quickly. Getting dog bowls for fast eating dogs is crucial to control the rate your dog munches on his food. It is necessary to establish discipline on your dog even at mealtimes to ensure their overall health.  

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Dog bowls for fast eating dogs- How to Slow down your dog during feeding time

Dog Bowls for Fast Eating Dogs

Use a puzzle feeder or treat-release toy

Your dog should slow down their eating, and what better way to do that than with a puzzle feeder. This treat toy takes figuring out so your dog will be mentally stimulated as they figure out the best way to release their kibble. Food gulping impossible will be impossible in this case. It is even better when these toys are filled with moist food.

Serve your dog his meals on a cookie sheet

Cookie sheets are flat, so it will spread out the food. There will be fewer chances of your dog wolfing down food that is spread out so thinly. This improvised dog bowls for fast eating dogs will force him to do a lot of licking and much less gulping.

Use a muffin tin

This method functions much like a cookie sheet in that it controls how fast your dog chows down on his food. This is a great alternative to dog bowls for fast eating dogs and works as efficiently. Put a bit of your pet’s food into each individual muffin cup. The need to move from cup to cup will put a stop on gulping.

Make mealtimes, training time

Mealtimes can be the best opportunity to teach your dog some obedience skills. Teach them new commands to follow, and instead of rewarding them with treats, give them bites of food.

Play hide-and-seek

Encourage your dog’s sleuthing talent by playing hide and seek. Instead of laying down their food at once, hide their food in areas around the house and the yard where they are tasked to sniff out their meal. This activity should be done when the weather is good.

Purchase a slow feeder bowl

Purchasing dog bowls for fast eating dogs is one of your best options if you want to stop your dog’s habit of eating too fast. There are many styles of bowls available, but it is recommended that you choose stainless steel over plastic. Some pets are allergic to plastic. In addition, plastic can break down over time and leak chemicals into the food or water in the bowl.

Create your own slow feeder bowl

You can use your creative skills and use your own DIY dog bowls for fast eating dogs. Place a ball, large rock, or other round objects in the middle of your dog’s bowl and distribute the food around it. The object should be big enough that your dog can’t swallow it.

Turn the bowl upside down

This instantly makes a slow feeder bowl. Turn the bowl upside down and place the food around the center of the overturned bowl to make your dog have controlled portions of their food.

Feed several small meals per day

Don’t give big meals at once. If your schedule allows it, consider dividing your dog’s food into several smaller meals and feeding them at regular intervals throughout the day.

Hand-feed your dog

This may be time-consuming but is one last resort when all other tips and tricks for slowing your dog’s eating speed have failed. It will certainly require more of your time, and it will require you to handle your dog’s food, the smell of which may stick to your hands. You may consider using plastic gloves.

Dog bowls for fast eating dogs– Side Effects of Dogs Eating Their Food Too Fast

Dog Bowls for Fast Eating Dogs

Dogs love gulping down their food, and it looks entertaining to see them going out of control with their food bowl. Fast eating does have health consequences, however, and it is not so amusing.

These are some of the most common repercussions of your pet, eating too fast:

Bad Breath

Kibble has long been regarded as the solution to maintaining dog’s dental health, but the fact is, pets don’t chew their food properly. Most of them just chomp once or twice, and then the rest is swallowed.

Although certain types of food, like a raw diet, for example, do have some dental benefits, most diets can actually exacerbate your pet’s dental issues. Food is not a dental solution, and regardless of what you feed, consistent dental hygiene, such as brushing, needs to be implemented to prevent irreparable damage to your pet’s health.


Gulping food and swallowing large chunks makes it harder for your pet to digest food and absorb nutrients. Poor digestion can lead to gas, poor stool quality, bloat, and in some cases, nutrient deficiencies.

Chewing is important and is the first step in digestion, so any food that isn’t thoroughly chewed will put more pressure on the rest of the digestive system. It will affect how proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down.

You may also notice that your pet is expelling gas. It may not be that serious, but it could be your pet’s body letting you know that there is something more severe going on. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus, or Bloat as it is commonly called, can happen when your pet is gulping down large amounts of air with their food.

The stomach cavity has a maximum capacity; it has twists and turns, which can potentially block food from passing from the stomach to the small intestine. Bloat in dogs and cats can be quickly life-threatening, and prevention is crucial.

Weight Gain

Dogs who fail to chew their food properly or eat too quickly are much more likely to overeat. Controlling the food portions is recommended for fast eaters. However, poor digestion can also affect how satisfied your pet may feel.

There may be instances where you will find your dog is begging or stealing food because they are that determined about overeating.

Even if your dog is chomping down lots of food, your pet will still be unable to use those calories efficiently. As part of a weight management program, slow feeding is highly recommended to keep your dog on a healthy diet.


Regurgitation occurs in pets who eat too fast. This generally occurs when they consume large quantities of food too quickly.

Regurgitation happens when the food barely reaches the stomach before the volume of food starts to head back up the esophagus. This type of rapid consumption doesn’t allow your pet’s body to move the food through the digestive system at an appropriate speed. When the food has nowhere to go, it has to backtrack.


Vomiting is different from regurgitation in the food looks partially broken down, very moist, and sometimes slimy. Generally, vomiting occurs as a symptom of an illness or bacteria present in your pet’s system.

On the other hand, regurgitated food rarely makes it past the esophagus, so it will look almost the same way it did when ingesting it. Regurgitation comes quickly and more effortlessly since didn’t have very far to travel.

Regurgitation and vomiting is not usually a concern, but steps should still be taken to prevent overeating.

Top 3 Dog Bowls for Fast Eating Dogs

[wp-review id=”789″]

[su_service title=”TDogit Go Slow Anti-Gulping Dog Dish” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

TDogit Go Slow Anti-Gulping

Dogit is a runner up for dog bowls for fast eating dogs and is still a great-performing slow feeder.

The Dogit Go Slow Bowl comes in a single design, available in four different sizes ranging from extra small to large. This brand is very sturdy and well-designed. However, the edges of the bowl and ridges on the inside makes it difficult for flat-faced dogs to reach the food.

It has a non-skid base that works well, preventing the slow feeder from moving around during feeding. However, the opening at the bottom of the feeder meant that dogs could accidentally slide their foot under the bowl and flip it.

One exceptional thing about this is its suitability for wet foods and liquids. In fact, this slow plastic feeder was best suited for these types of foods.

It has a less complicated design, which allows to easily spread the food around the bowl. Dogs can easily lick out the wet food from every nook and cranny, which is a struggle to do with slow-feed bowls having more complicated designs.

[su_service title=”Mr. Peanut’s Stainless Steel Interactive Slow Feed Dog Bowl” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Mr. Peanut's Stainless Steel Interactive Slow

Stainless steel has the edge over plastic when it comes to dog bowls for fast eating dogs. Not only are they easy to clean, but they are virtually indestructible. Perfect for those unstoppable chewers who have to gnaw on everything in sight.

The only downside to stainless steel slow feeders is that metal is harder to work with than plastic, Patterns done on these slow feeders are much simpler than those made from plastic.

Dogs were able to finish their meals quicker with a stainless steel bowl than a plastic one.

Dog bowls for fast eating dogs–DIY Puzzle Toys

DIY versions of either treat balls or puzzle toys can be used to give food to your dog. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want. Your imagination is your limit. Here are a few for you to try.

Tennis Ball Treats

Use a real tennis ball and make a few incisions in it and stuff it with kibble. This will be slightly more challenging than a typical treat ball because your pet may have to expend a little more force to get the food out.

Muffin Tin

Dog Bowls for Fast Eating Dogs

Puzzle toys can be simple. Get a muffin tin and put some food in each of the empty cups. This will force your pet to empty each cup separately, limiting the amount of food they can grab at one time.

To make this activity more challenging and cover each muffin cup with a tennis ball. Your pet will have to use their mouth or paws to remove the ball before they can start chowing down on the food. This method is best used with larger dogs.

Plastic Bottles

Using plastic bottles is great for small dogs. Rinse out a plastic bottle and make 1-3 holes of varying sizes. Try not to make the holes too large since you don’t want the kibble to pour out of the holes too easily.  

Make sure to find a square or boxy bottle to increase the difficulty level. Screw the lid back on the bottle. Allow your pet to bat the bottle around to get the food out.


The plastic bottle method can also be applied to a box. Cut some holes in the box to allow food to fall out. Larger boxes will allow for more challenging options.  

Final thoughts

Dogs love food, and though they love to get their gratification immediately, there is no harm in giving your dog a little challenge. Mix playtime and exploration with mealtime, so your dog doesn’t just get nutrition but also learn skills and have fun. Dog bowls for fast eating dogs teach dogs to be patient and have good eating habits, which will be beneficial to their overall health.